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 Post subject: ? ref supply soldiers conducting inventories
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:59 am 
Is there a reg that says supply persons are not authorized to conduct sensitive item, cyclic, and 100% inventories in place of the commander? I heard it is considered a conflict of interest however i would like to see for myself. Thanks for the help!

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 Post subject: Re: ? ref supply soldiers conducting inventories
PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:54 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:43 pm
Posts: 565
Thanks for writing in. Unfortunately we can't quote you the reg, but to the best of our collective memories, the rule is as follows:
1. Sensitive item inventory: Can be delegated to the junior officer / senior NCO level, must rotate every month so no single individual performs the inventory twice in a row.
2. Cyclic: Must be performed by the Commander. In many cases, a "pre" cyclic inventory is conducted by the same officer / NCO who is conducting the monthly 100%.
3. 100% inventory (I assume you mean Change of Command inventory?): Must be performed by the incoming commander.
Again, we're sure this is laid out in 710-2 or elsewhere, so you should probably check there for an authoritative answer.

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 Post subject: Re: ? ref supply soldiers conducting inventories
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:12 pm 
DA PAM 710-2-1 does not specifically say who has to conduct the inventory.

b. The responsible officer must notify hand or subhand receipt
holders when the items are to be inventoried (monthly and quarterly
requirements). Tell them to inventory all items with a CIIC, of 1-9,
$, N, P, Q, R, or Y (Night Vision Devices).

Most units elect to do the monthly weapons inventory in conjunction with sensitive items. The regulation for the weapons inventory states:

b . The monthly ( USAR and ARNG ; quarterly ) inventory of
weapons by serial number is conducted by the responsible officer or
an NCO, warrant officer, commissioned officer, or DOD civilian
appointed by the responsible officer. The same person won’t conduct
this inventory in consecutive months. The unit armorer won’t
conduct this inventory.

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 Post subject: Re: ? ref supply soldiers conducting inventories
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:04 am 

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 Post subject: Re: ? ref supply soldiers conducting inventories
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:22 pm 
Basic rules: Honest Broker. The mismanagement of Government Property could end the Commander's career and put him/her on the slammer...
Check this out: I've seen a CPT paid a total amount of $95,000 because, he had a dummy & crooked supply sgt who lost accountability of his property and for his change of command inventory, the supply sgt borrowed the equipment from other units just to have it there. After the new commander took over, he discovered what had happened. An investigation and a Report of Survey found the CPT "peculinary liable" and garnished his pay check twice a month 'til the debt was paid in full. The Army took from him the money, his commision and his career.This CPT was made responsible for the loss, because He DIDN't conducted the monthly/cyclic and sensitive inventories. He had an E7 or above do it instead.
1. Who is appointed by your higher HQs Commander and by way of Assumption of Command Orders (and that's exactly what they meant - Assuming Command)? Is it your Commander? YES??
2. Who is mandated by 710-2 to sign for the property from the PBO or Accountable Officer Records? Is it your Commander? YES?? NOT the Plt Leader or Plt SGT, is your Commander.
3. The ONLY person that could signed for the unit's authorized property is, once again, your Commander? YES??
4. The monthly/cyclic and sensitive inventories are generated by the supply system keeping accountability (PBUSE) of stocks , such as rations, fuel, ammo, etc...and are required to be used by your Commander to keep up with the Army's property. It's not his, but the Armys'.
5. Authorization can be delegated, BUT Responsability is not! I hope this works for you. The Sensitive[quote="andrew"]Is there a reg that says supply persons are not authorized to conduct sensitive item, cyclic, and 100% inventories in place of the commander? I heard it is considered a conflict of interest however i would like to see for myself. Thanks for the help![/[/color]quote]

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 Post subject: Re: ? ref supply soldiers conducting inventories
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:37 pm 
what if you have a memorandum signed by the commander saying that an NCO or higher will conduct this month, so and so will do it this month and so on? does that make the commander still ultimatly resposible for any items "that come up missing"?

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 Post subject: Re: ? ref supply soldiers conducting inventories
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:36 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:32 am
Posts: 70
Location: Fort Bliss
well the commander gets the copy that the designated individual inventories and then signs a copy at PBO.
whats the local policy for sensitive inventories. I believe the reg just says NCO or above but most posts or units have a policy stating E-7 and above.

we had a SSG Supply SGT get demoted because he was receiving new equipment but not signing it down or up dating the sub hand receipts and getting them signed by the HR holder and the commander. they lost equipment before and during the deployment.

SSG David Gunther
[email protected]
[email protected]

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 Post subject: Re: ? ref supply soldiers conducting inventories
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:13 am 
Supply soldiers/armorers are not authorized to conduct the inventories as they work directly for the commander and handle all company level property book issues. The commander should produce a memorandum stating who will conduct the inventories monthly. Those individuals appointed to conduct the inventories are usually Senior NCO's. The armorer is not authorized to conduct the sensitive items inventory as they are signed for all weapons in the arms room and could in turn fudge the numbers to cover their butts. They should, however, always be present during all inventories.

As far as who is responsible for a lost item, that depends on who is signed for it. The commander initally signs for all the property book for the entite company. From there, they usually sub-hand receipt items out to sections or Platoon Sergeants. The commander is ultimately responsible for all items on the Property Book for their command, but can easily produce a sub-hand receipt for any missing item. The individual that signed for the property on the sub-hand receipt is responsible for any items that are lost.

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 Post subject: Re: ? ref supply soldiers conducting inventories
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:38 pm 
In the end, the real rule us that there cannot be a conflict of interest. The person conducting cannot be a person with access to said property, nor one of the major hand receipt holders. The inspection is conducted in view of the access personnel, and the key holder, in charge of storage, maintainance and access cannot physically be the one reading serial numbers. While the inspector can designate assistants to help out, it is the inspector's sole responsibility to ensure the reading individually of all items and or their disposition as far as maintainance support and location. It also cannot be the last person who had done it, you can essentially alternate 2 people.

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