Hi there! I'm a 92A Supply Clerk, and I have a small issue. The VSAT that is provided to the 92A's can only handle HTTPS websites over port 443.
When I am in the field, and only have VSAT access, I have no ability to access ArmyProperty.com. This would be an AMAZING help to those of us without any other access.
Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and consider my request. David Turner
Hi there! I'm a 92A Supply Clerk, and I have a small issue. The VSAT that is provided to the 92A's can only handle HTTPS websites over port 443.
When I am in the field, and only have VSAT access, I have no ability to access ArmyProperty.com. This would be an AMAZING help to those of us without any other access.
Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and consider my request. David Turner