It is currently Tue Nov 05, 2024 6:12 am

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This message board is here so you can view the latest additions to our NSN library. In addition, you can request new NSN's that you don't currently see listed. To do this, click on the "New Topic" button and make your request. So if you're looking for the NSN for a certain model of 5-ton truck, or a certain kind of power supply, or antenna kit, etc, just put as much information as you know: LIN, Nomenclature, or anything else that would be helpful. If desired, add an email / AKO address if you want a direct reply (this is not required). Then we'll do some looking on our end and see what we can find out. But...... we can't guarantee that we'l be able to find every NSN that people request, because of the difficulty in conducting detailed research on each one. (Assistance from the community would be highly appreciated, in cases where we're stumped!)

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